Friday, June 12, 2009

The End

I am very glad to have taken his class. I am also sad it is over. The movies were great and it was the first time I have seen any of these films. Mr. Bennet congrats on retirment and good luck with the rest of life.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Terminator Salvation

To keep it short and not to ruin it for anybody I loved it. I'm a big fan of all the previous terminators with T2 probably my favorite...but its close. This movie is different from the other ones because now judgement day has occurred and the war btwn the machines and the human race is fully on. You can even argue that to appreciate this 1 u didnt even have to see the previous 3 but it helps. Overall I was very impressed with this movie.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Fargo v Simple Plan

So far Fargo and simple plan seem to be in 2 different categories. From what I have seen so far of Fargo, I cant help but think that it is a little ridicoulous and absurd, and even a lil annoying with the yeay. Know I want to finish the movie before I make any concrete judgements on it but it seems to be a tragic comedy.
A Simple Plan on the other hand was entirely serious. Since u were able to relate to the charachters at no point did there desicions seem absurd or there reactions ridicoulous. I like comedy if its funny and so far not one joke in Fargo has been funny. In a simple plan there was plenty of good comic relief.

The fight between these 2 movies isnt over but Simple Plan takes round 1.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Star Treck

I feel a little nerdy writing about Star treck but I'll write about it anyway. I have never seen any of the old star treck movies or tv shows or whatever it was but I did like this movie. If your in to the the Sci- Fi fantasy then i think u to will like it. Good action good storyline, Good job JJ Abrams again.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


This is truly a great film, in fact probably my favorite that we have watched in the class so far. Its betwwen this and Unforgiven for me. Anyway we talked a little bit in class today if shown in chronoligical order would there be any faults in the movie. After thinking upon it I really can not find any faults. Everything I think of can have some reasonable explanation. Any thoughts???

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Wolverine is a flop

Maybe I can save some of you money by not spending it on going to see Wolverine. I was a big fan of the previous 3 Xmen especially the third one but this one was absolutely awful. I'm not gonna ruin it for u in case u go see it anyway but just be prepared for the utter disappointment.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Unforgivin Inaccuracy?

So far there has been a lot of attentionput on the fact that when all the sherifs and their assitants are holding people at gun point they don't have the gun cocked back so they wouldn't be able to fire. Now I don't know a whole lot about guns but so far we have just passed this up as a dramitic effect, but is it possible that there guns are already cocked and they are just recocking them to let their victim know that they are serious. Is this at all possible?

Monday, April 6, 2009

7th Seal Allusion

I know its a little late considering we just finished Signs but I thought this was worth mentioning. When the knight distracts death so Mary and Joseph can escape with the baby reminds me of shortly after Jesus's birth in the bible. King Herod fears that he will lose his kingship to a baby so orders all the newborn baby boy to be killed. That night joseph (Jesus's father) has a dream that they are to leave bethlhem and flea to Egypt imeidiatly. Similiarly Joseph in our movie is the only one able to see death of his family and is able to get his family away from the situation.
This can all signify a bunch of different things such as the knight saving religion or religion surving death. To be honest I know this has to mean something but I'm not exactly sure what.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is the greatest Sports movie of all time

All of the sports movies nowa days r either kids movies or rather cleashea. So we have to go back a bit to look at truly great sports movies. I'll start with the oldest ones I can remember and thats Hoisiers good movie but I found it rather slow. Similiarly Rudy is equally inspiring but also rather slow. Another one to that good but rather slow category is Field of Dreams.
More recently was Glory Road another great movie however wasn't the least bit original. It was just another movie about overcoming racism in sports. In fact if it wasn't for the fact that it was a different sport you could just say its Remember the Titens. I don't mean to knock Remember the Titens in anyway because it is quite possibly my favorite sports movie. It shows not only the overcoming of racism from the outside culture but also amongst teammates and coaches. One thing is for sure it is the greatest sports movie dealing with racism.
Now when you talk about inspiring and motivating there is only ones title of sports movies that should come to mind and that is Rocky. I'm not talking about the latest Rockies and Sylvester Stalone's apperant midlife crisis destroying evry good movie title he ever made I'm talking about the first 4 and more particularly the first 2. I remeber the first time I saw Rocky I was so pumped I wanted to fight the world and later that day I picked a fight with my younger brother and won by way of knockout (Dad walking in). But seriosly thats the true underdog story right there not every new sports movie trying to imitate just because its based on a true story like Cinderalla Man.

Sticking with boxing how bout Million Dollor baby. Not even close to my favorite but its not hard to see why people like it, it brings situations completely unknown to sports movies such as being Euthanized. If u like differnt scenerios than u might like In a League of their own but lets face it women were never supposed to play baseball professionally. The final movie that is definatly worth a mention is Cool Runnings its different and is the only true sports movie that is comical and no Dodgeball doesn't count as a sports movie in my opinion.

There are plenty of movies I'm leavin out for sure probably because I don't remember it or never saw it. Unless its really bad.
So whats your favorite sports movie?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ratso dies with life fulfilled

There is an underlining message when it comes to Ratso and his name. Several times during the film he asks Joe not to call him Ratso but instead his real name Enrique. Ratso was the name given to by people who dispised him and called him what he was a thief and a scum. However as he and joe begin to develop a friendship he constantly asked not to be called ratso. Maybe joe would call him Enrique once bu then went right back to Ratso. During Ratso's fantasies he dreams on a beach in Florida having a good time with a good friend Joe. In the last scene on the way down Ratso finally makes it down to Florida with his good friend Joe Buck who calls him Enrique. Oh yea on the bus he was also surrounded by all those old ladies he fantasized about about.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Red Dawn

I saw an old 1980's movie Red Dawn this weekend starring Patrick Swayze. It was interesting sort of like a true story of what could have happened if The Soviet Union invaded the U.S. during the height of the Cold War. The movie got my immagination going as I pictured myself as one of the high school students who hid out in the wilderness to avoid Soviet occupation. The high shcool students led by Swayze began to run a series of terrorist type missions against the Soviet Soldiers. This was the first movie that I can remeber seeing in which America was being invaded making it very interesting. Thoughts of what if that happened today couldn't stop running through my head. Overall it was good but a little cheesie especially the last scene.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I saw Taken this weekend. I thought it was a good movie, well done, and was different than what I had expected going into the movie. Seeing the previews for the movie I expected that Bryan Mills's daughter is abducted by an enemy of his from his previous job. I was way off. She was abducted by human trafficers giving the movie a nice twist and making it all the more intense.