Friday, April 24, 2009

Unforgivin Inaccuracy?

So far there has been a lot of attentionput on the fact that when all the sherifs and their assitants are holding people at gun point they don't have the gun cocked back so they wouldn't be able to fire. Now I don't know a whole lot about guns but so far we have just passed this up as a dramitic effect, but is it possible that there guns are already cocked and they are just recocking them to let their victim know that they are serious. Is this at all possible?

Monday, April 6, 2009

7th Seal Allusion

I know its a little late considering we just finished Signs but I thought this was worth mentioning. When the knight distracts death so Mary and Joseph can escape with the baby reminds me of shortly after Jesus's birth in the bible. King Herod fears that he will lose his kingship to a baby so orders all the newborn baby boy to be killed. That night joseph (Jesus's father) has a dream that they are to leave bethlhem and flea to Egypt imeidiatly. Similiarly Joseph in our movie is the only one able to see death of his family and is able to get his family away from the situation.
This can all signify a bunch of different things such as the knight saving religion or religion surving death. To be honest I know this has to mean something but I'm not exactly sure what.